D. Munkhtsatsral


Foreign policies and international relations through the eyes of young Mongolians. Among the survey respondents, 68 percent said Mongolia belongs to Central Asia.

FES Mongolia, in cooperation with the Mongolian Institute for Policy Innovation, has completed a study on “MONGOLIA'S YOUTH AND THE WORLD IN 2021”.

This is the first such assessment to map the perceptions and values of Mongolia's youth on international relations and foreign policy as an effort to clarify the values, knowledge, level of information, and stances on the issues of Mongolia’s young population between 18 and 35 years of age.

The survey was conducted in Ulaanbaatar city, Erdenet city, Tuv aimag, and Bulgan aimag between September-October 2021. A total of 1,809 people participated in the survey based on random sampling. In addition, a focus group discussion of 11 people was conducted during the study.

The study is available in English and Mongolian. The English version can be retrieved here. The Mongolian version can be retrieved here.

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Young Mongolians and the world in 2021

Young Mongolians and the world in 2021

(National opinion poll results)
Ulaanbaatar, 2022

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